Contact Us 01531 584000

Opening Hours: Mon - Thu 9 - 4:30 Fri 9 - 1 
Closed 20 Dec - 5 Jan

Biomass Installation

All the ancillary equipment to install your biomass boiler, including pumps, control systems, expansion vessels and accummulators.

HDG Compact 200 wood chip boiler


The aim of any accumulator or buffer is to remain stratified. This means hotter water at the top and cooler water at the bottom. Water returning to the accumulator from a heating system is cooler than the water at the top of the accumulator.

Bulk pellet installation accessories 

General biomass boiler plumbing installation specialist equipment. Including thermal safety devices, safety pressure release valves and pumps.

Control systems including heating circuit and boiler control, remote systems, standby controllers sequencing, dual boiler, peak load modules, electrical panels, touch screen controllers, web interface monitoring and control and flow management systems.